Friday, October 23, 2009

Daycare in the 21st Century

So we are very fortunate to have such a wonderful place to take Blake to daycare, and to think I stumbled upon in on craigslist! Blake loves Rebecca and Jaleah, and the dogs too. So we've always been very confident dropping him off, no melt downs. But on top of that, we're lucky that Rebecca also has a cool iPhone and sends us cute pictures every once in a while. (I'm guessing my mom never got pictures from my daycare...) Anyway, super short post today, but here are the pics I've gotten in the last couple weeks...

Playing on the mat, curious little feller

Very excited to eat

Probably the last walk outside as little ones. Brian thinks its very appropriate--girls get the toys and stuff, and guys just go along for the ride.

So peaceful...he always instantly rolls over onto his tummy now..and takes a 4 hour nap! what a life.

Who turns away food? Well boys do when there is a kitchen full of ladies to look at.

So fun to eat breakfast with your friends!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

aww love this! we love Blake too! On a side note, Blake does have toys strapped on his side - you just can't seem them in the picture! But now that I think about it, he never really plays with them on walks. I guess the scenery is stimulating enough - or maybe because Jaleah always tries to hold on to his arm or hand, so he can't. :)