Saturday was gorgeous too, Brian's stepsister Kathie got married out in Wayzata. It was a gorgeous day, and we were fortunate enough to get a whole Vriesen family picture with everyone. After photos my parents came and got Blake, for his overnight adventure--or maybe theirs--in Buffalo. Brian and I used the wedding as a date night excuse, it was so relaxing and fun to talk to everyone. (We also got a good night sleep!) Brian's dad and Sharon came over to spend Sunday night with us. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful family so close and great to hang out with.
Speaking of being excited, only six days until I go back to work. Brian and I are probably going to be in shock next week getting into t another new schedule, but I'm excited to be somewhat "normal" again. It's been 4 long months at home, and although I've enjoyed it, I'm glad to go back. Eating lunch all in one sitting, being able to get up and go to the bathroom and not have to worry about Blake or Husker, actually being able to check my email more than once a day...these are the little things I miss.
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