Sunday, August 9, 2009

A weekend of Firsts...

So this weekend started off, as any good weekend does, with shopping! My mom and I hit up the General Store, and miscellaneous Once Upon a Child's in the area. If there is one thing you should know about my mom and I is that we are ALWAYS looking for bargains. I'm the one that keeps my mom in check with my two phrases: "I have a coupon for that." and "Always purchase with a purpose. " It really eliminates the unecessary items that end up at our house. With the size of our house and the amount of stuff that Blake already has, we really don't need unecessary items! Anyway back to the weekend. Our first stop the General Store in Minnetonka, I absolutely LOVE this store. There are so many fun things to look at [rarely a bargain found] but such neat gift items you must stop! It was POURING rain, and it is not very stroller friendly. They do offer little umbrella strollers though, so we were bound to make our first attempt at Blake in the umbrella stroller. He was so content and loved it, although this picture doesn't seem to do it justice.

After a play date earlier this week, my friend Molly said that Blake would probably do okay in our jumperoo. Since I've been dying to see him in it since wegot it at shower, we put it together this weekend and set him in it right away! It took him a few minutes, and although he'll grow into it, he is VERY entertained by it. His little legs don't touch the floor quite yet, but he is in awe of the toys, music and lights.

This weekend The Oian's came over for dinner. It was the first time Macie was walking at our house! Very exciting. Well I guess it was for all of us, Husker was a little unsure about the whole thing. I guess it's just something she'll have to get used to. We attempted our first cousin's picture. I'm sure this will be one of many in the future, but it was really cute. Macie turns one next week so I'll try and get some video! She was was only somewhat
interested in her cousin, but we hope they will be good friends as they grow up. She was walking all over the place. It really made me aware of what is to come in the future! We are going to have our hands full.

Brian keeps saying that Blake is changing by the day...I think that's an understatement. He is growing so fast, I can't believe he's been here over three months. We are very lucky to be able to have a lot of time to spend with him during these months. Just watching him do new things and start giggling is worth all the work!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hi Beth! I saw your blog on your facebook profile! I just love, love, love the general store!! I think Jaleah would like the jumperoo better too if her feet touched the ground. She definitely favors her exercauser that she can "stand" in. Is the music on your jumperoo obnoxious at all? I think ours kind of is!