Well most of you living in Minnesota reading this know that we had our first snowfall this weekend. Thus forcing me to give in and find some baby items for Blake to wear to keep warm. This sounds easy, but seriously is NOT. It sounds easy to haul him around in the carseat, but now that it's tipping the scale at 40 lbs! [Blake 17 lbs + Carseat 23 lbs] it's getting a little heavy. So at my favorite weekend walk thru shopping at Once Upon a Child, I found this cute snowsuit--barely worn! I have seen it for the last couple weeks and finally with this snow, I had to buy it. He looks pretty darn cute in it, so I guess it was worth it. Although Brian thinks I'm crazy...he claims he's going to show Blake this picture someday and tell him how crazy I was :)
Now we just have to go somewhere so I can put him in it, maybe I'll take take him on a walk. I'm sure he'll
love that.
Since our last post eating and sleeping has become more routine. Blake pretty much loves everything we give him even zucchini. I've been keeping up with making food usually on Sundays. We're probably set at least for a few weeks, but I like to keep ahead of it. It's pretty funny making sweet potatos or squash in the oven and the house smells so delicious...and then Brian and I eat mac and cheese. Oh well, I guess this is just the beginning of "doing everything for your kids!"
I'm sure most of you probably also know that fall brings 24/7 sports in our house. So of course Blake watched the Twins win and then lose, hasn't seen a Vikings game yet. He takes after me and usually sleeps through most of them. But that doesn't mean he can't support his teams. Check out the photo of him and Jaleah at daycare supporting the Twins. They are great buddies I just can't wait until they "talk" to each other! Well until next time, here's some more miscellaneous pictures of the last few weeks.
Go Twins!
Happy to eat peas!

I'm sure we all feel like this after a big meal..
Loves the bathtub
wanna watch the Twins with me?